Making Process - Growing Mushroom
In 29th Jan, I collect coffee-grounds given from Starbucks and card Board as mushroom cultivation material. Also I bought some fresh oyster mushrooms in super market.
First I I boiled coffee-grounds and card board for 1 hours for sterilization.
After that oyster mushroom was cut into slices and put into a plastic cup, which contains sterilized coffee-grounds and card board.
Next, I create a humid and dark environment for mushroom to grow.
Two day later, mycelium started to grow.
However, a week later, a bad new comes. green mold appears in some dishs. Green mold are depriving the nutrients that mycelium needs and mycelium stopped to grow.
The possible reason why green mold appears is that cultivation material has not been heated enough to kill mold.
In this experiment, it is 8 samples here and only one successfully graw mushroom. And its cultivation material is card board Therefore I suggest card board is a better cultivation material. Also growing mushroom is a time-consuming work. It spend more then 2 weeks.